A medical graduate with BA diploma and a former British Embassy Interpreter/Translator. In June 2014, I won the Interpreter of the Month award out of 20 British Embassy Interpreters.
I founded the local NGO “Interpreters/Translators Club in Libya”:
I’m also employability & workforce development consultant/certified trainer, event planner/organizer, content creator/digital marketer, and a political advisor.
I volunteered to train +2000 youngsters on self-promotion/career development in 10 different Libyan cities, and was elected to be the Head of the steering committee of Libyan Bloggers Network, currently; I’m the Deputy Chairman of the LBN board.
As an “Influencer”, I was nominated to be one of the panellists in “Week of Justice” discussions, organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Berlin, Germany – June 2018. Also was nominated to participate in “Bloggers role in Peace Keeping” event, was held in Tunisia February 2017, and organized by Friedrich Ebert & Deutsche Welle.
I’ve also been chosen to participate in IVLP “International Visitor Leadership Program”, particularly in the component of “Youth & Civic Engagement” which is scheduled in 4 different states in the US – March 2019, organized by the US State of Department.
I was chosen by the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Libyan youth in the Summit of the Two Shores attending the 5+5 Mediterranean forums.
And In December 2018, I was given a trophy as one of the most influential people in Libya by TOG “Tripoli Optics Group” during their annual ceremony.
I was chosen by Facebook to be their Tripoli lead in the CLC program “Community Leadership Circles” and I participated in the Facebook Global Leads gathering in Berlin, Germany – December 2018.
In November 2018 I was invited to participate in Hammamet Conference which was organized by the British Council in Tunisia, the theme was “Transforming Economies: the Social Impact of Innovative Technologies”.
I was also picked to attend Tech Camp event, which was held in Tunisia in May 2016, organized by AMIDEAST, funded by US Embassy.
I’m a multimajoring fan, with lots of experience and activities, as I’m engaged in many fields including but not limited to blogging, civil society and activism, translation, training, medicine, administration, digital Marketing, research, and consultancy.