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CV 14 – Jan – 2020

What to include in a CV

A standard CV in the UK should be no longer than two sides of A4. Take a look at our example of a chronological CV for inspiration. To save space only include the main points of your education and experience. Stick to relevant information and don’t rep

Interviews 05 – Jan – 2020

Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

Come to your interview with your questions prepared. Beforehand, practice asking at least three questions that demonstrate you’ve thought seriously about what it would be like to do this job. Here are a few examples of questions you might ask: Can you

CV 14 – Jan – 2020

What to include in a CV

A standard CV in the UK should be no longer than two sides of A4. Take a look at our example of a chronological CV for inspiration. To save space only include the main points of your education and experience. Stick to relevant information and don’t rep

CV 01 – Jan – 2020

How long should a CV be?

A standard CV in the UK should be no longer than two sides of A4. Take a look at our example of a chronological CV for inspiration. To save space only include the main points of your education and experience. Stick to relevant information and don’t rep

Career 01 – Jan – 2020

Take career assessments.

Google search “career assessment” and you’ll return about 434,000,000 results. Do they actually work? Should you shell out money to take online quizzes? Clearly, there’s a big market for career aptitude tests, many of which are unproven and costly. Tha

Oqda S02 Promo

10 - Jan - 2020

Oqda - Season Two


Activities 22 - Aug - 2019


Join Columbus Women in Sales for this fantastic master class from business strategist Shaniece Wise on personal branding. In this Masterclass you will learn: The 4 Principles of Personal Branding and How to Connect Them to Your Company’s Mission, Visio

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